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'Tis Nyte! by Elizabeth Watasin

Gothic Steampunk, Noir Sci-Fi, Diesel Fantasy. Bringing You Uncanny Heroines in Adventuress Tales.

Currently reading

The Bombshell Manual of Style
Laren Stover, Ruben Toledo
The Gift of Fear: Survival Signals That Protect Us from Violence
Gavin de Becker
Xenolinguistics: Psychedelics, Language, and the Evolution of Consciousness
Allyson Grey, Diana Reed Slattery
In The Eye of The Beholder: A Novel of The Phantom of the Opera
Sharon E. Cathcart

"What We All Wish For" by Jonathan Carroll


What We All Wish For


"Often when I go to this cafe in the late afternoon I see the couple sitting at the same window table."


And then it goes on from there.


Jonathan Carroll presently lives in Vienna, and I find relief and comfort in reading his daily writings (of his books, I've only read one so far). The couple he describes in this piece are enjoying a time with each other that I think may be rapidly passing for some of us in at least this part of the world: the act of reading together. And I don't mean on our phones and devices, or reading social media while in the presence of each other.


It's possible that there are pastimes that give us enrichment, reflection (depth), and memories. What he describes is an experience worth valuing and remembering. What we have when we look at our phones probably isn't.