136 Following

'Tis Nyte! by Elizabeth Watasin

Gothic Steampunk, Noir Sci-Fi, Diesel Fantasy. Bringing You Uncanny Heroines in Adventuress Tales.

Currently reading

The Bombshell Manual of Style
Laren Stover, Ruben Toledo
The Gift of Fear: Survival Signals That Protect Us from Violence
Gavin de Becker
Xenolinguistics: Psychedelics, Language, and the Evolution of Consciousness
Allyson Grey, Diana Reed Slattery
In The Eye of The Beholder: A Novel of The Phantom of the Opera
Sharon E. Cathcart

Monster Stalker: A Darquepunk Novel, has released!

Monster Stalker: A Darquepunk Novel - Elizabeth Watasin

...yesterday! As soon as I access me control panels, I'm raising the cover price, so go for eet now now now


And thank you for those who already have a copy in their cold, pale hands! ^v^ ENJOY