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'Tis Nyte! by Elizabeth Watasin

Gothic Steampunk, Noir Sci-Fi, Diesel Fantasy. Bringing You Uncanny Heroines in Adventuress Tales.

Currently reading

The Bombshell Manual of Style
Laren Stover, Ruben Toledo
The Gift of Fear: Survival Signals That Protect Us from Violence
Gavin de Becker
Xenolinguistics: Psychedelics, Language, and the Evolution of Consciousness
Allyson Grey, Diana Reed Slattery
In The Eye of The Beholder: A Novel of The Phantom of the Opera
Sharon E. Cathcart

And there it is!

Ice Demon: A Dark Victorian Penny Dread (The Dark Victorian Penny Dreads Book 1) - Elizabeth Watasin, JoSelle Vanderhooft

Ice Demon: A Dark Victorian Penny Dread is now LIVE at Amazon, B&N, Smashwords, and Kobo! *CONFETTI*


edit to add: AMAZON GEOLINK. This will take you to any Amazon in the 'verse: http://getbook.at/ICEDEMON


I have to work on the print version, and also on a bit more artwork to put together the digital download card for the latest Dark Victorian books. It won't be ready for my next event, but hopefully by the one after that.


Meanwhile, I've 5 manuscripts queuing up, one of which I just started. I'm hoping, like Ice Demon, it will be a very tidy novella of 25K+ words for a very tidy horror/mystery. ( tee hee ). :D




I've STan Lee's Comikaze Expo 2014 this coming Hallowe'en! And it's a very big media show. Besides comic book folk, Elvira, Stan Lee, and so forth being present, there will be actors from Game of Thrones, Kevin Smith (the director/producer), um, more media people, and then many indy exhibitors like myself. I will be in Artist Alley, AA-914!


I was an exhibitor at the first Comikaze---when was that, 2011? Wows. I was taking a chance, this itty bitty, full of heart, first time event being organised by the siblings Carpinelli (Regina Carpinelli being co-founder and CEO). It had all the makings of a possible snooze-ville, with heartfelt organisers. But it was in LA, I'm in LA, so I thought what the heck. And it was a rough little barebones show, yet the energy! The level of engagement, of something positive happening, was more present at that show than at any show I'd been at. There were Star Trek actors, there were tabletop gamers, steampunks, goths, lgbt, indy comics, and indy filmmakers. The show brought excitement back. :)


But shows do change--that can't be helped. The needs of the public create that change, and I think the best events have the ability to be organic. The latest phenom with media events/conventions is that they are growing Rapidly. New York Comic-Con just recently broke San Diego's for attendance---San Diego Comic-Con, which is actually a *temporary city* of geekdom for about 7 days. Those are scary numbers. I don't doubt Comikaze will keep growing---as will Wondercon, and others. Whether I continue to be a part of them as exhibitor remains to be seen. Because at this point it would be nice to come full circle, and just be an attendee . . .

